2007 National Qualifier No. 5 - Page #2

Wet, Wet, Wet.
Wet, Wet, Wet.
Can we get down that road, Bill?
Can we get down that road, Bill?
No, course not (But I'm going)
No, course not (But I'm going)
George is back there somewhere!
George is back there somewhere!
As Phil said, George is back there somewhere!
As Phil said, George is back there somewhere!
Back there? What do you mean? I'm fit
Back there? What do you mean? I'm fit
Wasn't difficult, was it?
Wasn't difficult, was it?
Well done again Philip
Well done again Philip
Of course I'm used to coming second!
Of course I'm used to coming second!
This is how you do it!
This is how you do it!
Thanks for a smashing tea
Thanks for a smashing tea
Something to smile about, George
Something to smile about, George

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